Research & articles
Health ~ Education ~ Parenting ~ Green Cities ~ Other
Beyond Blue to Green: The Health Benefits of Contact with Nature in a Park Context
A review for Beyond Blue on the nature and mental health.
Nature's Medicine
By Dr. Dimity Williams (December 2017), Co-founder Kids In Nature Network, published in Park Watch.
Ditch the Screen for the Green
By Dr. Dimity Williams, Kids in Nature Network Co-founder, published in the Medical Observer.
Doctors discover the "happy path" to sustainability
Nature, childhood, health and life pathways
A UK analysis of how nature in childhood impacts wellbeing throughout life.
Report by Obesity Australia, 27.3.2014.
Parents forced to walk the fine line between kids’ safety and health
VicHealth CEO Jerril Rechter in The Herald Sun
Planting trees, just what the doctor ordered
Research Report with Forward by Associate Professor Mardie Townsend from Deakin University, 2012.
Putting Nature back in to Nurture: The Benefits of Nature for Children
Literature review by Dr Karen Martin from The University of Western Australia, 2011.
To Make Children Healthier, A Doctor Prescribes A Trip To The Park
By Sam Sanders
After a doctor realizes many of his young patients rarely go outside to play, he comes up with ways to give them very specific recommendations for physical activity. True story from the USA.
Why Nature is So Good for Your Mental Health
By Tracy Pedersen
Better out than in: Westgarth bush Kindergarten plunges kids back into nature
The Age Victoria
Forest schools: fires, trees and mud pies
The Guardian Education
Incorporating Nature Into School Reduces Children’s Stress and Improves Learning
The Epoch Times
Waldkindergärten: the forest nurseries where children learn in Nature's classroom
By Harry de Quetteville
Do You Let Your Child Climb Trees?
Outside with Marghanita
Free to roam: Easing parents' fears about child safety and independence on the streets
By Emma Wynne
Study has found the more walkable a neighbourhood, the more likely parents are to give their kids some independence.
The Age -"Parents today are raising their children in an era that is substantially different to that of their own parents' generation”
Mud pies and green spaces – why children do better when they can get outdoors
By Greg Mannion
Nature connection will be the next big human trend
By Daniel Crockett
Over-protected, over-organised...why kids need time to play
The Age
Great story about the changing nature of parenting and childhood featuring Kids in Nature Network and many of our colleagues and friends, including Westgarth Bushkinder, the Children's Garden at Royal Botanic Gardens Melbourne, Victoria Walks, The Heart Foundation and many others.
School drop-off: making it active and safe
ABC Health and Wellbeing
Green Cities
How green cities are better for us physically and psychologically
By Erin Anderson
Nice article about how nature in cities is good for our body, mind and soul.
The Backyard Revolution: How Native Plants Can Save Children and Other Endangered Species
By Richard Louv
Wonderful blog post by Richard Louv! Is your garden or local park a great place for native wildlife to be, or could it be? Or are you involved in a great local initiative that brings local wildlife back in your area?
We're feeling for lawn in the world's most liveable city
The Age Victorian
Other articles on the benefits of being in nature
By The Parents Jury
New York Times
"Nature deficit disorder, so called, is a symptom of being connected to everything, while being unable to connect to anything." A thoughtful commentary on technology and how it can thwart the travel experience.
Respecting Nature: How to be a Good Digital Citizen Outdoors
By Michele Whiteaker and Diana Graber
The Worldwide Children and Nature Movement: A Home for Hope
by Cheryl Charles
By Kathy Graham
Can we rekindle our connection to nature in a world "that’s increasingly noisy, dirty, crowded and manmade"? A beautiful article.
By Ferris Jabr
In Hindi
नेचुरल प्ले वीक Interview with KINN about Nature Play Week 2014
3 April 2014, By Shubham S Ghosh